About Depth Flow

Updated August 23, 2023

Scaling from the inside out.

As entrepreneurs, we gravitate toward the visible and the spectacular – the highest valuation, the highest MMR, the biggest twitter following etc. We often look out for and look up to role models with such accomplishments. We judge and pride ourselves upon our accomplishments and influence. 

Though gratifying, this outward accomplishments should not be where our primary energy should be expended. 

Depth Flow is the belief that entrepreneurs should scale from the inside out. It is the belief that entrepreneurs should take care of the depth of their life in order to scale the breadth of their works. 

While the familiar mantra of moving fast and breaking things champions rapid blitzscaling at all costs, Depth Flow advocates for a steady and calm way of scaling products and businesses. 

Depth Flow can be understood through the construction-architectural terms: substructure, structures, and superstructures:

  1. The substructure is the unseen foundation, and it is where the true strength of the entrepreneur lies. This unseen foundation is often ignored as it cannot be seen. Who we are and what we do when no one sees form the substructure of our life. The skill stacks that the entrepreneur takes years to hone also form parts of the substructure. Without a deep and secure substructure, the structures cannot hold and the superstructure cannot rise to great height without peril. 
  2. Built upon the substructures are the structuresthe supporting beams and columns form the framework of the building. These supporting beams and columns are the family and kindred-spirit friends. Entrepreneurship is not difficult; it is brutal. A network of community will make the journey a lot more bearable. 
  3. The superstructures represent the outward accomplishments. It is built through skills and competence. The superstructures’ strength, beauty, and permanence are dependant upon the solid and secure substructure and surface structures.   

Indeed, entrepreneurs should take care of the depth of their life to scale the breadth of their works.

Published September 15, 2022
Category: startup

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